Terms of Reference


The primary purpose of the Executive Committee (the Committee) is to guide the formation and development of a global coalition that forges international partnerships and collaborations. The activities of the Committee will facilitate and promote the development of regulatory science research as a tool for advancing regulatory science applicable to the public health impacts of safe food and therapeutic products.


The Committee will guide the activities of the Global Coalition on Regulatory Science Research (the Coalition) through promotion and development of research needed to support regulatory decision making, establishment of best practices to understand and interpret data from innovative technologies, and facilitation of translation of basic science innovations into regulatory applications applicable to public health impacts of safe food and medical products. The Committee’s activities will include:

• Establishing a sustainable and annual Global Summit on Regulatory Science (GSRS)

• Facilitating global collaborations in advancing regulatory science

• Identifying specific topics of regulatory science to be considered by the Coalition and the critical research, scientific questions and consensus building needs

•Developing and implementing strategies to facilitate development of new technologies from basic research to regulatory decision-making tools

•Developing strategies for training of regulatory scientists in a global setting, including exchanging students and scientists

•Evaluating the impact of the Coalition activities

•Other activities as agreed to by the Committee.


The Committee (and Global Coalition) will focus on scientific issues related to advancing the regulatory science applicable to safe food and therapeutic products. Scientific issues relevant to other regulated products, such as tobacco and cosmetics, are outside the scope and mandate of the Committee (and Coalition).


Membership of the Committee comprises representatives of agencies responsible for the safety of food and therapeutic products are listed and updated in Annex 1. Additional members may come forward to seek membership or be invited to join by the Committee. New members will be added at the discretion of the Committee.

The Committee is chaired by the Chair and Vice-Chair. The Chair serves a five-year term and the Vice-Chair serves a three-year term. Both positions may be renewed for one term each upon approval by the Committee.


The terms of the reference for the Committee will be reviewed every two years following its establishment on 10 September 2013.

Modus Operandi

Secretariat: The elected Chair provides the Secretariat for the Committee for the duration of its term. The Secretariat will arrange meetings, circulate meeting agendas and papers, prepare outcome notes and document the Committee’s activities including these associated with GCRSR working groups. The Secretary will also assist the scientific program committee of GSRS to develop Summit materials.

The Secretariat will coordinate the development public facing communications regarding Coalition activities including those related to the Summit and Working Groups. In addition, the Secretariat will communicate with the Committee members and other interested parties in a timely manner and will post materials on the website.

Meetings: The Committee will meet at least biannually with one meeting being held in conjunction with the Global Summit on Regulatory Science. The Committee will utilize both face-to-face and electronic opportunities for meeting.

The Chair and Vice Chair will be engaged on development of the agendas and co-chairing of the Executive Committee meetings, as well providing leadership and chairing sessions for the annual Summit.

Working Groups: as appropriate, the Committee may establish working groups to assist in its activities, which will be chaired by members of the Committee. Each Working group will establish its own mandate and elect its Chair. The mandate, expected outputs, and defined life span of each Working Group should be agreed by the Executive Committee. Working groups should report regularly to the Committee and present proposed strategies and activities for endorsement by the Committee. Each Working group should be reviewed periodically by the Committee.

Decision making

Decisions of the Committee will be by consensus unless otherwise decided by the Committee. If consensus cannot be reached on a matter, the Committee will vote on the matter with the majority view prevailing, where each member country or union casts one vote after coming to consensus within their jurisdiction.


Each Committee member will maintain the confidentiality of information in accordance with their respective laws.

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