13th Global Summit on Regulatory Science (GSRS23) IN-person Annual Conference

Theme: Emerging Technologies and Their Role in Regulatory Application

September 27-28,  2023
 EFSA, Parma, Italy

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Dr. Robert M. Califf

U.S. Food and Drug Administration ( FDA, USA)

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Prof. Carlos das Neves

Chief Scientist
European Food Safety Authority (EFSA, EU)

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Dr. Tucker Patterson

Center Director of National Center for Toxicological Research (NCTR)
U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA, USA)

The 13th Global Summit on Regulatory Science (GSRS23) is an in-person conference, which is scheduled to be held from September 27-28, 2023, in Parma, Italy. The conference is co-hosted by European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and GCRSR.  Conference recordings, PDF presentations and post-event announcement are available on EFSA webpage.

Registration is open!

There is no registration fee; however, registration is required to attend the GSRS22 (In- person).

Registration Deadline: 1 July 2022

Conference highlights:

  1. Opening Remarks by the FDA Acting Commissioner, Janet Woodcock.

  2. Two keynote presentations by government-agency senior leadership from USA and EU:

    • Frank Yiannas (Deputy Commissioner for Food Policy and Response, FDA)

    • Stephen Quest (General Director at Joint Research Center, EU)

  3. Platform presentations from scientists representing Brazil, Canada, EU, India, Italy, Japan, Singapore, Switzerland, and USA.

  4. A live debate on the topic, “Is Regulatory Science Ready for AI?”

  5. A special workshop to showcase data-science tools currently in regulatory use by Food and Drug Administration (FDA), European Medicine Agency (EMA), and Swiss Agency for Therapeutic Products (SwissMedic).

Registration is open NOW!

There is no registration fee; however, registration is required to attend the GSRS22.


3-day virtual Conference overview
(7-10 AM CDT, 3hrs per day)

3-day virtual Conference overview (7-10 AM CDT, 3hrs per day):

  • The main event (Oct 4-5): All the presentations in the main events are pre-recorded with LIVE Q/A and LIVE Debate Session.

    • Day 1 (Oct 4): Start with opening remarks and a keynote (30min), followed with 6 speakers (2hrs), and ended with a LIVE debate on “Is Regulatory Science Ready for AI”, for which two debaters take one position of either “support” or “against” the motion (30min)

    • Day 2 (Oct 5): Start with a keynote presentation (20min), followed with 6 speakers (2hrs). The debate session will be on the same topic but with both debaters taking the reversed positions compared to Day 1. The main event ends with a closing remark.

  • Post-conference workshop (Oct 6) on “Data analytical tools for drug and food review by global regulatory agencies”. The workshop is to showcase about the data analytics tools the global regulatory agencies have and to learn from each other for future collaboration. It will be a LIVE demo of the tools the participated agencies have developed (or are developing) and are applied/will be applied to facilitate the regulatory application such as systematic review, data fitness, data searching, extraction, harmonisation, validation of extracted data, and application of AI for NAMs, etc.

Conference Highlights:

april 1

Day 1 (date) Topic

The program starts with opening remarks by Janet Woodcock (The FDA Acting Commissioner) and the keynote address by Frank Yiannas (Deputy Commissioner, FDA), followed with 6 international speakers plus LIVE Q/A. The program is ended with a LIVE debate on “Is Regulatory Science Ready for AI”, where two debaters take one position of either “support” or “against” the motion and their position will be reversed in the next day debate om the same topic.

All the presentations are pre-recorded with LIVE Q/A and LIVE Debate Session.

Day 2 (Date) Topic

The program starts with a keynote presentation by Stephen Quest (General Director at Joint Research Center, EU), followed with 6 international speakers plus LIVE Q/A. The debate session will be on the same topic but with both debaters taking the reversed positions compared to Day 1. The main event ends with a closing remark.

All the presentations are pre-recorded with LIVE Q/A and LIVE Debate Session.

april 1
april 1

Day 3 (Date)Topic

The workshop is to host the LIVE demo of data analytics tools by FDA, EMA and Swissmedic. These tools have been developed (or are being developed) to facilitate the regulatory application such as systematic review, data fitness, data searching, extraction, harmonisation, validation of extracted data, and application of AI for New Approach Methodologies (NAMs).

Attention for Vaccinated Traveller:

Travellers need to complete the SG Arrival card declaration and upload a digital verifiable vaccination certificate within 72 hours before departure for Singapore via the Vaccination Check 

COVID-19 update in Singapore:

Singapore has transited towards living with COVID-19 in a careful and controlled manner and we welcome all international visitors! The COVID-19 infection in Singapore is manageable with the latest update available at https://www.moh.gov.sg/covid-19

CONTACT US: Dongying.Li@fda.hhs.gov

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